That Time i Got Reincarnated As a Slime
"That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" is a beloved manga series that brings a fresh and entertaining twist to the isekai genre. Adapted from the light novel series written by Fuse and illustrated by Mitz Vah, the manga follows the extraordinary adventures of Satoru Mikami, an ordinary salaryman who is reincarnated into a fantasy world as a slime, a lowly and seemingly weak creature.
What sets this manga apart is its unique protagonist and world-building. Satoru, now known as Rimuru Tempest, discovers that his transformation comes with incredible powers, including the ability to absorb other creatures and gain their abilities. With newfound strength and a compassionate heart, Rimuru embarks on a quest to create a peaceful and thriving society in this fantasy realm.
The manga excels in its blend of humor, action, and world-building. Readers are introduced to a rich tapestry of characters, including powerful monsters, skilled warriors, and charismatic leaders. Rimuru's journey to establish alliances, form a diverse community, and navigate complex political situations creates a compelling narrative.
Author: Fuse
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 111 chapters
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