Kodok was once known as Fashoda, the town that gave its name to the legendary Fashoda Incident, in which the power conflicts between Britain and France in colonial Africa came to a head, and the two great giants of colonial Europe finally resolved to divide Africa into east and west terms.
Today, Kodok not only commemorates these totemic occurrences in African history, but it also houses the skeletal remains of its former Shilluk rulers. Unfortunately, contemporary times have been tough for the town, with starvation and conflict.
Fashoda is thought to be a site where the spirits of Juok, Nyikango, the departed Shilluk kings, and the present Shilluk King come together to mediate for the Kingdom of Shilluk's spiritual health. Fashoda is kept as a calm area for God's spirit, where the King, leaders, and elders may hear and receive God's noises and utterances.
• Timing: N/A
• Famous for: houses the skeletal remains of its former Shilluk rulers
• Entry Fee: Free
• Best Time To Visit: Year-round.