Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven
Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven, known by the shorter name Eureka Seven, is a mecha-themed anime series made by Bones and began broadcasting in Japan in April 2005 with 50 episodes. The series won various awards, including “Best Television Series,” “Best Character Designs,” “Domestic Digital Contents Category” and so on.
The plot revolves around Renton Thurston, a 14-year-old boy living in the backwater town of Bellforest. He dreamed of joining the group Gekkostate with the leader Holland Novak. This dream became reality when a large mechanical robot, the Nirvash type ZERO, crashed into Renton’s room with its pilot, a member of Gekkostate called Eureka. She is a Coralian mecha pilot created in human form by Scub Coral to explore people on the planet.
Particularly, this meeting sparked the beginning of Renton's involvement with the Gekkostate as well as the combination between Renton and Eureka. Together with the presence of Eureka, Renton seemed to be empowered to continue the adventure that would shape not only their future but the world’s.
Overall, with the unique plot and well-designed animation, Eureka Seven spawned six manga adaptations, a light novel, three video games, and a feature-length anime film. Therefore, this mecha anime series deserves to be one of the leading robot anime of all time.
Aired: Spring 2005
Produced by: Bones
Episodes: 50
MAL score: 8.05
Watch here: https://www.amazon.com/Psalms-Planets-Eureka-Koukyoushihen-Blu-ray/dp/B003AUS0RW