Leafy Green
Leafy Green is the leading website to receive green product reviews and usage habits such as environmentally friendly food. It is also considered to be one of the best websites about environment. Since 2007, the creators have tested and assessed thousands of green products, including soaps, mugs, and multivitamins, to recommend environmentally beneficial products. Leafygreen.info attempted to spread the word about green living. They want the world to know that there are a plethora of wonderful eco-friendly solutions available, ranging from everyday items to products.
The content of Leafygreen.info is solely for informational and entertaining purposes. They are simply opinions about product reviews and are not intended to be malicious or derogatory of any brand or product. Certain producers, contributors, or reviewed items may have an exclusive relationship with Leafygreen.info. Leafy Green provides no warranties, covenants, representations, or expressly implied warranties, covenants, representations, or expressly implied warranties that any or all of the reviews or remarks on their website are stated outside of an exclusive agreement. They feature thorough posts on everything from organic/natural food and beverages, clothing, shoes, and camping gear to home cleaning supplies, beauty supplies, and personal hygiene goods. All are intended to steer readers to ecologically friendly products, so developing a lifestyle and a habit of caring more about the environment.
Website: http://www.leafygreen.info/