Lers Ros Thai
Lers Ros is a high-end Thai restaurant that specializes in original, one-of-a-kind, and fresh Thai cuisine, as well as luxury drinks and wines. Their meal will appeal to those who like cosmopolitan, diverse, and healthful cuisine. Lers Ros is taken from Sanskrit, the old version of the Thai language, and was called by Tom Narupon Silargorn, the restaurant's owner and chef. These two terms are both ancient and formal. "Lers" means "good" and "Ros" means "food flavor". As a result, "Lers Ros" means "good meal flavor".
This restaurant is so popular among San Francisco residents that it has three locations across the city. They are a high-end restaurant that serves original, distinctive, and fresh Thai cuisine that will satisfy any San Francisco palate. What more can you ask for when prices start at a dollar ($1.00)?
Location: 730 Larkin St, San Francisco, CA 94109
Website: lersros.com