Leto had a vital role in the Trojan War
Along with her kids Apollo and Artemis, Leto had fought in the ten-year Trojan War. This is also one of the most interesting facts about Leto. Leto had returned to Zeus' good graces, much to Hera's chagrin. She later played a supporting part in Greek mythology, but she made multiple appearances. She belonged to Lycia, and the city was aligned with Troy, thus she was fighting on their side.
She allegedly confronted Hermes, the messenger god, on the battlefield, but Hermes declined to engage in combat with her since she represented a risk to those who were married to Zeus. He then ran away, telling her to go ahead and boast about her victory.
She was both a fighter and a savior throughout the conflict, which was crucial. Aeneas was reportedly healed by the goddess and Artemis, who also helped them return the Trojan hero to his previous strength and splendor.