Lincoln’s Head in Mt. Rushmore Houses a Secret Room
One of the most well-known American landmarks, Mount Rushmore is more than just a memorial to four long-dead presidents. A secret record vault is tucked away inside Abraham Lincoln's brain. The room's original intent was to inform future generations of Mount Rushmore's historical significance and the carvers behind its creation. Additionally, Gutzon Borglum, a sculptor, had a valid point. The majority of us don't know the man's name, just as we don't know who created a great deal of other important artifacts and historical artifacts.
The Bill of Rights and the Constitution, according to Borglum, might be kept in his record vault. Some of this could seem similar if you've ever seen the Nic Cage film National Treasure 2, as the narrative somewhat centers around it.
The intended space would have been colossal. Borglum never truly built it since the government didn't want him wasting time on secret chambers when the enormous heads weren't even finished. The government didn't finally adorn the area with several porcelain tablets explaining the space and Borglum's work until 1998.
TripAdvisor Rating; 4.5/5.0
Location: Pennington County, South Dakota
Phone: +1 605-574-2523