The Brooklyn Bridge Has a Hidden Fallout Shelter
The Brooklyn Bridge was erected far back in 1869 and is one of the most well-known sites in all of New York. It was so well-known that there was a well-known scam where people regularly sold it to tourists. But that doesn't imply maintenance wasn't being done back then. In fact, a significant, top-secret upgrade was made during the Cold War, when a bunker was placed in the bridge and only rediscovered in 2006.
It was packed with goods from 1957 and 1962, including 352,000 high-calorie crackers, water drums, medical equipment, beds, and more. Workers from the NYC Department of Transportation who were conducting an inspection found the haul. The Office of Civil Defense, or FEMA as it was known during the Cold War, was identified as the owner of each item.
The exact site of the bunker is unknown, however it was somewhere in the Manhattan anchorage. Who constructed the shelter is still a mystery.
TripAdvisor Rating; 4.5/5.0
Built: 1869-1883
Location: New York City, USA