Love Hina
"Love Hina" is a classic anime and manga series created by Ken Akamatsu. It follows Keitaro Urashima, a young man who has repeatedly failed the entrance exam for Tokyo University. In search of a promise he made with a girl fifteen years ago, Keitaro comes to the Hinata Inn, which he believes is the key to reuniting with his childhood sweetheart. However, he discovers that the Hinata Inn has been transformed into a female-only dormitory, and he's mistaken for a pervert and a spy.
Despite the initial misunderstandings, Keitaro can stay at the inn, provided he works as the dormitory's manager, to compensate for his intrusion. The Hinata Inn is inhabited by a diverse group of young women, each with unique personalities and quirks, including Naru Narusegawa, the fiery-tempered girl who becomes a central character in Keitaro's life.
As Keitaro strives to fulfill his dream of attending Tokyo University and locating his childhood friend, he forms bonds with the female residents of the dormitory, leading to comedic situations and romantic entanglements.
"Love Hina" remains influential in the harem and romantic comedy genres and has a dedicated fanbase. It contributed to the popularity of harem anime during the early 2000s and is recognized for its humor and character development. It's a must-watch for fans of romantic comedies and harem anime.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Yoshiaki Iwasaki
- Released: April 19, 2000 – September 27, 2000
- Genre: Harem, Romantic
- Link to watch: