The World God Only Knows
"The World God Only Knows" is an outstanding harem anime series. It follows the story of Keima Katsuragi, a passionate player of dating video games who has gained fame as the God of Conquest in the gaming community due to his extraordinary skills in winning over virtual girls. One day, Keima crosses paths with a demon named Elsie de Lute Ima. Together, they embark on a mission to capture lost spirits that have escaped the underworld and taken up residence in the hearts of real girls.
To achieve this, Keima must employ his dating sim expertise to make these real girls fall in love with him, although it's often more challenging than it sounds. Along the way, he encounters a variety of girls, each with her distinct personality and obstacles to overcome.
"The World God Only Knows" explores love, relationships, and the distinction between online and real-world connections. It injects humor into the harem genre by incorporating elements from dating sims and gaming. Keima's interactions with the girls he encounters lead to numerous amusing moments and contribute to character development.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Shigehito Takayanagi
- Released: October 6, 2010 – June 28, 2011
- Genre: Harem, Comedy, and Supernatural
- Link to watch: