
The length of the Lualaba River is 1,118 miles. It is surrounded by the Upemba National Park, which has protected ecosystems. The major economic activity is fishing, and various settlements are located along the river. At Nile Falls, there is a hydroelectric dam called the Nile Dam. The Lualaba River's headwaters are located in the Katanga Plateau, at an elevation of 1,400 meters (4,600 feet) above sea level. The river runs north until it reaches Kisangani, where the name Congo River is officially given.
It lowers from the Katanga Plateau to the Manika Plateau, with waterfalls and rapids marking the way. It falls 457 meters (1,499 feet) in 72 kilometers across the upper Upemba Depression (Kamalondo Trough) (45 mi). The Nzilo Dam, located near Nzilo Falls, is dammed for hydroelectric power. The river becomes navigable for nearly 640 kilometers (400 miles) through a succession of marshy lakes in the lower Upemba Depression, including Lake Upemba and Lake Kisale, at Bukama in Haut-Lomami District. Ankoro is located on the west bank of the Lualaba River, directly across from its confluence with the Luvua River to the east. The merged river below this point is referred to as the "Upper Congo" by some geographers.
Total Length: 1,118 miles