"Major" is a remarkable sports anime and manga series created by Takuya Mitsuda. It chronicles the life and baseball career of Goro Honda, starting from his childhood and continuing through his journey to become a professional baseball player.
The story follows Goro's unwavering passion for baseball, influenced by his father, Shigeharu Honda, who was also a talented player. Goro faces numerous challenges, from Little League to high school and eventually the professional leagues. Along the way, he encounters rivals, forms deep friendships, and strives to fulfill his dream of becoming a Major League Baseball player.
For those seeking a sports anime that captures the essence of baseball and the journey of a dedicated player, "Major" is a must-watch. It's a heartwarming and inspiring series that resonates with both sports enthusiasts and those who appreciate compelling storytelling.
Studios: Studio Hibari
Genre: Sports
Theme: Team Sports
Demographic: Shounen