One Outs
"One Outs" is a captivating sports anime and manga series that puts a unique spin on baseball by blending it with psychological strategy and high-stakes gambling. Created by Shinobu Kaitani, this series follows Toua Tokuchi, a highly intelligent and cunning pitcher who becomes the key player for the fictional Lycaons baseball team.
The story revolves around Tokuchi's involvement in a risky contract with the team's owner, Saikawa, where he earns 5 million yen for every out he records but owes 50 million yen for each run he allows. This high-stakes game of baseball features Tokuchi outwitting opponents and using his intellect to strategize on and off the field.
If you're looking for a sports anime with a twist and enjoy seeing strategic battles unfold on the baseball diamond, "One Outs" is a must-watch. It offers a different perspective on the sport and keeps you engaged with its clever plot twists and character interactions.
Studios: Madhouse
Genre: Sports
Themes: Adult Cast, Psychological, Team Sports
Demographic: Seinen