Maria is the main character in the anime/manga series Maria the Virgin Witch. She is a witch who lived during the Hundred Years War in France. Maria, a powerful and kindhearted witch who despises conflict, routinely summons familiars to break up wars, earning her the adoration of the surrounding hamlet but the Church's scorn. Archangel Micheal eventually orders her to stop using her power because he believes it upsets the natural order.
Maria has pale skin, blue eyes, and short blond hair that curls at the ends. She is attractive and wears two enormous red earrings, a black tiny dress with slits on both sides displaying her black hot trousers, and high thigh black boots. Maria wears daring clothing for a virgin.
Maria is a caring, determined, and idealistic lady who despises conflict and bloodshed. Her favorite tactic is to summon creatures to break up fights and instruct them not to kill anyone. While she is powerless and imprisoned, Maria has time to reflect on what she genuinely desires and why she despises fighting so much.
Maria is a powerful witch who can achieve practically anything with magic, only being outmatched by the powers of heavenly beings. Her magic is usually channeled through a wooden stick. She uses magic to create force blasts, shield people, summon spheres of light, generate energy beams, form bubbles and platforms, move numerous items at command, and harness elemental forces. No wonder why she is considered as one of the best witches in anime.
Anime: Maria the Virgin Witch