Zeniba, also known as Granny by Chihiro Ogino, is the older twin sister of Yubaba in the film Spirited Away. She is definitely one of the best witches in anime. Zeniba's appearance is identical to Yubaba's: an inhumanly large head with long, blonde hair tied up into a bun, a wrinkled face with a large, hooked nose, a red dot in-between her eyes, blue eyeshadow, large golden earrings, and a dark blue dress set with a ruby brooch at the collar.
When she initially emerges in the second half of the film, she appears to be just as deadly as her sister, living up to Kamaj's description of her as "scary." After wreaking havoc in Yubaba's office, she warns Chihiro Ogino that she will cut her lips out if she does not stay quiet about the incident. She is now working at a magnificent bathhouse for spirits, and she is growing passionately fascinated with the lives of everyone around her, particularly Haku, who was the first to protect and soothe her in this strange new realm.
Zeniba is another someone who not only provides comfort but also a safe haven for the young protagonist. Chihiro goes to great lengths to return a rare item to the witch who lives far away from the realm she was cast into. Once there, she discovers a warm presence that does nothing but offer her patience and a comfortable landing. Zeniba is a very powerful witch whose magic rivals that of her younger twin sister, Yubaba. Kamaji once described her as "one dangerous witch."
Anime: Spirited Away