Marriage Etiquette
Dating generally begins in the late teens. Young couples will participate in social activities such as going to cafes or restaurants or watching a movie or sporting event. Many Serbians tend to marry in their late twenties to early thirties. Divorce tends not to be stigmatized in Serbian society, in part due to the accepting attitudes towards divorce in the Serbian Orthodox Church.
A wedding ceremony may be performed by a clerk in a special office or by a priest in a church or home. Typically, couples choose to be married in the church in accordance with the Orthodox Christian tradition. After the wedding, a party is given to invited guests at home, in a restaurant or in some other suitable place. The bride and groom are dressed in their best clothes. In Serbian villages, weddings are big social events. A long procession of many vehicles usually follows the bride and groom to the church and back to the location where the banquet is held. The whole affair is joyous; much food and drink are consumed. Music is played and guests sing and dance for hours.