Traditional Clothes
Serbian traditional clothes take a very important place in the country's culture. There are many details that make them look more beautiful and richer. Every region of the country had different clothes. That way people could recognize from which region one person was from. In most Serbian villages, people wore flat shoes called Opanci. They were made from leather and had a belt that fastened around an ankle. Some of them had beaks, which represented some kind of decoration. Under these shoes, people wore woolen socks, usually black and with some colorful floral patterns which were authentic and original for every region.
Women and girls wore their hair in plaits. But the thing that differed the girl from a woman was that they didn’t wear a headkerchief or fez like women used to. There were also some hats that women used to wear from the day of their wedding until the end of their lives. They were called Trvelje. Men also wore hats. The most known and oldest type of hat is called Šubara. However, there is a hat known as ajkaa that was worn by soldiers and is also very well-known.
Men wore pants and shirts which were usually made from cotton and had small collars. They also wore some kind of vest, which is called Jelek, and a belt around their waist. Women’s clothes were more complex than men’s. They wore skirts and shirts or just dresses. Over those they wore a belt and an apron. Every part of their clothes was decorated and they also wore accessories. Women used to use much make up and they looked absolutely gorgeous. They used red lipstick, brown eye shadow, black eyeliner, black mascara and a blush.