Martial Universe
Martial Universe is a Chinese television series that is based on a novel by Tiancan Tudou. It is a fantasy story that follows the protagonist, Lin Dong, who obtains a mysterious artefact that is coveted by many clans in the martial world. He then gets involved in various events and conflicts and meets two women who have different personalities and backgrounds. He also discovers the secrets of his artefact and his own destiny. The series has two seasons and 60 episodes in total. It stars Yang Yang, Zhang Tianai, Wang Likun and Wu Chun.
The series is a combination of action, adventure, romance and magic. It showcases the passion and challenges of the martial artists in the world of Glory, as well as the diversity and richness of Chinese culture and history. It also explores themes such as loyalty, friendship, love, freedom and sacrifice. Martial Universe is a series that appeals to fans of historical fiction, fantasy and action genres.
- Released date: August 7, 2018
- Developed by: Azure Media Corporation
- Number of episodes: 60
- Watch here: