Mu Wang Zhi Wang
Mu Wang Zhi Wang is a Chinese animated series that is based on novels by Sayling Wen. It is a historical fantasy story that revolves around the tomb sect, a group of people who guard and raid the tombs of ancient kings and emperors.
The series follows the adventures and conflicts of different characters from the tomb sect, such as Mu Rong Xiu, the heir of the tomb king; Luo Man Feng, a tomb raider who seeks the truth of his past; and Feng Xi, a tomb hunter who pursues power and wealth. The series combines elements of action, mystery, romance and magic, and features a rich cast of characters from different factions and schools of thought. The series has four seasons and a spin-off, as well as several related works such as comics, games and novels.
Mu Wang Zhi Wang is a series that explores themes such as loyalty, friendship, love, destiny, freedom and sacrifice. It also showcases the diversity and richness of Chinese culture and history, as well as the creativity and imagination of its creators. Mu Wang Zhi Wang is a series that appeals to fans of historical fiction, fantasy and action genres.
- Released date: July 8, 2015
- Developed by: Rocen Studio
- Number of episodes: 120
- Watch here: