Martial Universe
"Martial Universe" stands as a captivating Chinese animated series, or donghua, that draws its inspiration from the compelling novel penned by Tiancai Dudou. This narrative unfurls in a world where power reigns supreme, introducing us to Lin Dong, a young and determined protagonist on an exhilarating journey of self-discovery and cultivation.
As Lin Dong navigates the complex path of martial arts, he confronts an array of challenges and formidable adversaries, a reflection of a world where strength is the currency of respect. In this enthralling adventure, his guide is none other than Lord Marten, a mystical demon who imparts invaluable wisdom on martial techniques and harnessing the power of the mind.
"Martial Universe," adapted from the same author as "Battle Through The Heavens," parallels its predecessor with a powerful female MC who sometimes outshines the male lead. While "Battle Through The Heavens" boasts more diverse characters, "Martial Universe" stands as an equally compelling donghua, sharing the strength and dynamism of its protagonist.
- Release date: September 19, 2028
- Developed by: Motion Magic
- Number of episodes: 120+
- Watch here: