May lower blood sugar levels

A common herbal therapy for lowering blood sugar in those with type 2 diabetes is bilberries. According to experts, berries work similarly to some blood sugar-lowering drugs by preventing the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in your gut. According to animal research, bilberries' anthocyanins may also promote the release of insulin, a hormone essential for transferring sugar from the blood into cells.

In comparison to a placebo, one study found that bilberry extract significantly lowered blood sugar levels in persons with type 2 diabetes. The amount of extract was equal to 50 grams of fresh bilberries. Another 8-week trial found that persons with metabolic syndrome—a group of disorders that raises your risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease—had higher levels of insulin secretion when they had fresh bilberries in their diet.

May lower blood sugar levels
May lower blood sugar levels
May lower blood sugar levels
May lower blood sugar levels

Top 5 Health Benefits of Bilberries

  1. top 1 Rich in nutrients
  2. top 2 May improve vision
  3. top 3 May reduce inflammation
  4. top 4 May lower blood sugar levels
  5. top 5 May improve heart health

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