Meeting and Greeting Etiquette
Warm yet restrained greetings are given. A handshake, direct eye contact, and the appropriate welcome for the time of day will be the most typical greetings: The proper salutation is "dobry den." Early in the morning, "dobre rano" is used, while "dobre popoludie" is only occasionally used; "dobry den" is preferable. "Dobry vecer" is used after 18.00, and then "dobru noc" signifies good night. Among friends, the informal salutation "ahoj" (hello) is frequently used.
The honorific titles "Pan" (Mr.) or "Pani" (Mrs.) and the person's last name are typically used to introduce people. The honorific title and first names may be used to address one another among close friends. Never call anybody by their first name without their invitation.