Monster List
“Yaoguai Mingdan”, also known as “Monster List”, is a captivating series that takes place in a world where humans and supernatural beings coexist, but not always in harmony. The story revolves around our hero, Feng Xi, who finds himself caught between a seductive fox, a strange tree demon, and a girl with the power of the goddess Xianjia. Despite these challenges, Feng Xi must fight to protect peace and save the world.
The series is an adaptation of a Manhua (Chinese comic) and was produced by Haoliners Animation League. It aired from December 13, 2014, to September 11, 2015, and consists of 18 episodes. Each episode lasts approximately 13 minutes.
“Yaoguai Mingdan” is known for its blend of action, comedy, fantasy, and romance genres. It offers a fresh perspective on the coexistence of humans and mystical creatures. The series is filled with comedic situations, romantic encounters, and thrilling adventures that keep viewers engaged from start to finish. It’s a must-watch for fans of these genres.
- Released date: Dec 13, 2014
- Developed by: Tencent Animation and Comics
- Number of episodes: 18
- Watch here: