Whited Nighttime
“Whited Nighttime”, also known as "Bai Ye Ling Long ”, is a captivating series that revolves around the life of Ling Long, a typical but very shy school girl. She is clumsy, insecure, and has no friends. Her only friend is a guy she met on a phone app, but he suddenly disappears and stops answering her12. The series aired from June 6, 2018, to November 21, 2018, and consists of 25 episodes1. Each episode lasts approximately 15 minutes.
“Whited Nighttime” stands out for its unique premise and engaging storyline. It offers a fresh perspective on the life of a normal girl who just wants to get through her day without any problems. However, her normal life begins to change when her online friend suddenly stops contacting her. The series is filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep viewers engaged from start to finish. It’s a must-watch for fans of the romance genre.
- Released date: Jun 6, 2018
- Developed by: Tencent Penguin Pictures
- Number of episodes: 25
- Watch here: https://ww1.9animes.org/watch/whited-nighttime