MuseNet - Best AI Music Generators

top 9
Minh Trang

OpenAI's MuseNet deep neural network can create 4-minute-long musical compositions with ten distinct instrumentations. It was trained on a massive dataset of MIDI files, and uses unsupervised learning to discover patterns of harmony, rhythm, and style.

MuseNet is not explicitly programmed with our understanding of music theory. Instead, it learns by predicting the next token in a sequence of notes. This allows it to generate music in various styles, from classical to pop to rock.

To use MuseNet, simply select a composer or style, and optionally provide a start to a famous piece. The model will then generate a new composition in the selected style. You can also interact with the model directly in advanced mode to create entirely new pieces.

MuseNet is a powerful tool for musicians of all skill levels. It can be used to generate new ideas for songs or to create complete compositions. It is also a valuable tool for learning about music theory and composition.

MuseNet is one of the most helpful AI music generators for songwriters who are stuck, need inspiration, want to experiment with new ideas, or create music for specific projects. Yet, MuseNet is still under development and may have some limitations.

Key features:

  • Diverse instrumentation
  • Versatile styles
  • Controllable generation
  • Integration with other music software


  • Free to use
  • High quality
  • Customizable


  • Lack of human variation and control

Founded: 2019

Headquarters: San Francisco, United States


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