VEED - Best Online AI Music Generator

top 5
Minh Trang

VEED is an online AI music generator that allows users to create original music tracks from text descriptions. It is based on artificial intelligence algorithms trained on a massive dataset of music and text. This allows VEED to generate music in various genres and styles, from chill to hip-hop to electronic to country to dance.

To use the VEED AI music generator, enter a text prompt describing the sound you want to generate. This prompt can be as simple as "a sad piano ballad" or as complex as "a driving electronic beat with a catchy melody." VEED will then generate a unique music loop based on your prompt. You can then customize the track to your liking, adjusting the tempo, mood, and other elements.

Once satisfied with your track, you can download it as an MP3 file or add it directly to your VEED video project. VEED AI music generator is a great way to add a professional touch to your videos, even if you have no experience with music production.

VEED AI music generator is a powerful and versatile tool that various users can use to create original music tracks. It is easy to use, customizable, and royalty-free. If you want to add professional-sounding music to your videos or want to experiment with music creation, VEED AI music generator is a great option.

Key features:

  • Text to music
  • Instrument customization
  • Tempo and rhythm control
  • Royalty-free music


  • Easy to use
  • Affordable
  • High quality


  • Limited features
  • Require Internet connection

Founded: 2018

Headquarters: London, United Kingdom

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