Norbert Zongo University
Burkina Faso has three public universities, one of which is Norbert Zongo University. It's in the Koudougou city limits. It had the second highest student enrollment (16.2 percent) in the country in 2015/2016, trailing only the University of Ouagadougou (renamed Université Ouaga 1 Professeur Joseph Ki-Zerbo, UO1-JKZ), which had 32.8 percent of the total national enrollment. The University of Ouaga 2, the University of Bobo-Dioulasso (renamed Université Nazi Boni, UNB), and the "Institut des Sciences (IDS)" respectively had 13.2%, 11.3 percent, and 1.9 percent of total university enrollment. Private universities account for the remaining 24.5 percent of enrollment. The institution was formed in 2005 and had 15,346 students in 2015/2016.
The university is divided into five faculties:
- Faculty of Higher Education (ENS)
- Faculty of Economics and Management (UFR Sciences Economiques et Gestion)
- Faculty of Arts and Letters (UFR Lettres et Sciences Humaines)
- University Institute of Technology (Institut Universitaire de Technologie)
- Faculty of Science and Techniques
Phone: +226 25 44 00 85
Ranking: 903th in 1061 universities in Africa in total H index, Etc.