Nurse shark

An elasmobranch fish belonging to the Ginglymostomatidae family is the Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum). According to the IUCN List of Threatened Species, the nurse shark's conservation status is considered Vulnerable on a global scale. Due to their vulnerability in South America and documented threats in numerous parts of Central America and the Caribbean, they are regarded as a species of least concern in the United States and The Bahamas but are close to extinction in the western Atlantic Ocean. In some fisheries, they are directly targeted, whereas, in others, they are treated as bycatch.

Despite their appearance, nurse sharks are the fourth most common shark to bite a person, according to records. This is probably because divers were careless when think nurse sharks are sedentary and slow-moving. Because they can effectively siphon water over their gills, these organisms don't move around like many other species do and instead spend the majority of their time resting motionless on the seafloor. They spend a significant portion of the day relaxing and hunting for fish, mollusks, and shellfish in the evening because they do not anticipate needing to eat a lot to support their way of life. They’re not known for their hunting abilities however and feed by sucking up their prey.

Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica
Key West Aquarium
Key West Aquarium

Top 10 World's Laziest Animals

  1. top 1 Giant Panda
  2. top 2 Python
  3. top 3 Opossum
  4. top 4 Koala
  5. top 5 Sloth
  6. top 6 Hippopotamus
  7. top 7 Echidna
  8. top 8 Nurse shark
  9. top 9 Pygmy Blue Tongue Lizard
  10. top 10 Owl Monkey

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