Owl Monkey

The only species of the family Aotidae, Owl Monkeys, sometimes known as douroucoulis, are nocturnal New World monkeys. Eleven species of the genus can be found in primary and secondary forests, tropical rainforests, and cloud forests up to 2,400 meters in height throughout Panama and much of South America (7,900 ft). The term Aotus, which means "earless", is given to night monkeys because of their wide eyes, which let them see better at night and their mostly concealed ears.

With the exception of some cathemeral populations of Azara's night monkey, which occasionally engage in spurts of activity both during the day and at night, night monkeys are the only fully nocturnal primates. A mated pair and their immature offspring dwell in tiny family groupings and have a diverse repertory of vocalizations. Due to their monochromatic eyesight, night monkeys are better able to recognize visual stimuli at night. With a 17-hour sleep cycle, these animals are among the laziest. The vocal primates are monogamous and have dependent children as part of their family groups. Dads serve as the primary carers in the owl monkey universe.

Edwin Butter
Edwin Butter
National Geographic
National Geographic

Top 10 World's Laziest Animals

  1. top 1 Giant Panda
  2. top 2 Python
  3. top 3 Opossum
  4. top 4 Koala
  5. top 5 Sloth
  6. top 6 Hippopotamus
  7. top 7 Echidna
  8. top 8 Nurse shark
  9. top 9 Pygmy Blue Tongue Lizard
  10. top 10 Owl Monkey

Toplist Joint Stock Company
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