Nut Milk is Centuries Old
In addition to cow's milk, you will also find other types of milk on the shelves of grocery stores, including almond milk, cashew milk, soy milk, oat milk, and others. These days, people adore plant milk, and vegan coffee consumers especially adore it. Because there is even a pushback against them, you can tell they are significant. But it's not because they're brand-new; rather, it's just because people are only now becoming aware of them, and businesses are producing and promoting more than before. Plant milk in general and nut milk in particular are centuries old.
Almond milk recipes were published between the eighth and the twelfth centuries with the intention of using them to heal patients with lung problems. It gained popularity among Christians in Europe who gave up cow's milk for Lent.
Chinese soy milk recipes from the first through third centuries have been discovered. It appears that coconut milk production dates back at least 2,000 years and possibly even 5,000 years. Furthermore, the practice of referring to these beverages as milk dates back many centuries.