Ogasawara National Park
The Bonin Islands, as they are commonly known, were fiercely disputed during WWII and are part of the archipelago that makes up Ogasawara National Park. The long ferry excursions to this distant area are well worth it because of the stunning splendor on display. After a long drive, approaching the magnificent coves and hidden beaches that dot its coastline is an incredible and relaxing experience. Ogasawara, which is unique in terms of evolutionary legacy, is frequently referred to be the "Galapagos of the Orient", and as such, it is intriguing to explore.
The turquoise seas that surround the islands attractively frame the spectacular scenery, which includes numerous indigenous species of animals, vegetation, and mammals. The beautiful granite arch at Minamijima is only one of the national park's features. What are you waiting for with excellent diving, enjoy hiking, and an incredible range of water activities to enjoy? Ogasawara's hidden beauty is a wonderful destination to visit.
Location: Chichijima, Ogasawara, Tokyo 100-2101, Japan