Palisades Farmers' Market
Since 2008, the market has provided small area farmers and ranchers with fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, meats, and eggs. Regional artisan specialties like bread, cheeses, charcuterie, and pasta are some of many other products available. There are also artisan street cuisines including empanadas, paella, and Chinese dumplings.
At Palisades Farmers' Market, vendors are expected to set up and sell on all market days, no-shows are not accepted on a regular basis. The market's setup begins at 8 a.m., and all sellers are asked to come on schedule. Without exception, sales begin at 9 a.m. and end at 9 p.m.
The market concludes at 1 p.m, and all merchants have agreed to stay until the end of the fair; no early exits are permitted. When the street reopens at 2 p.m., the sale areas must be clean. As part of the clean-up, vendors undertake to leave their stall areas broom swept and to remove waste and debris from the area.
The Palisades Farmers Market is also a community hub, run by the Palisades Community Association. Most markets have a community tent where residents can answer questions or organize around community issues.
Address: 48th Place and MacArthur Boulevard, in Northwest DC
Hours: Sunday:9:00 am-1:00 pm (year-round)