Parasite (2019)
"Parasite" is an extremely popular black comedy film. Although only appearing for a few seconds in the movie, Park Seo Joon's role still attracts attention. In the film, he plays the role of Min Hyuk - the germ causing the "parasitic" event between the two families in the film. Min Hyuk's real personality is an issue that viewers are still debating.
Park Seo Joon featured as a "cameo" in Parasite, playing a close friend of Ki Woo (Choi Woo Sik) who provides a life-changing opportunity to his entire family poor. So his role is only a cameo to make a highlight, or does it have any other significance for director Bong Joon Ho's black comedic masterpiece? If the entire film is a ruthless "parasitic" war, the relationship between Min Hyuk and Ki Woo is the only thing that exists regarding the reconciliation of the affluent and poor.
Detailed Information:
Release year: 2019
Genre: Black Comedy
Length: 102 minutes
Directed by: Bong Joon Ho
Actors: Park Seo Joon, Park So Dam, Choi Woo Sik, …