Part-Time Immortal
"Part-Time Immortal" is an enthralling manhua that explores the extraordinary life of Choi Yil Young, a seemingly ordinary student who's often the target of teasing and labeled as a loser. However, beneath his unassuming exterior lies a pair of astonishing secrets that will change his life forever.
Firstly, Choi Yil Young hails from an incredibly wealthy family, a fact hidden from his peers. But the most astonishing revelation is his unexpected selection as a god. The Jade Emperor, the divine ruler of the heavens, randomly selects him to become a deity, completely unbeknownst to Yil Young.
Though the prospect of becoming a god is undeniably enticing, Yil Young grapples with reluctance as he never displayed extraordinary skills or merits. He is now tasked with divine responsibilities and challenges he didn't ask for.
"Part-Time Immortal" delves into the thrilling and comical adventures of Choi Yil Young as he navigates the dual life of a student and a newly-minted god, uncovering the hidden layers of his divine destiny. This manhua promises a unique blend of humor, fantasy, and supernatural intrigue, making it a must-read for fans of stories that blend the ordinary and the extraordinary in unexpected ways.
- Artist(s): ASK Animation Studio, ASK Studio
- Genre(s): Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Romance
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 138
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