School’s Beauty’s Personal Bodyguard
"School Beauty's Personal Bodyguard" is a charming manhua that offers readers a delightful blend of romance, humor, and the unexpected. The story centers around Lin Yi, an ordinary student hailing from the rural countryside who suddenly finds himself bestowed with an extraordinary responsibility: he is tasked with pursuing the campus queen on the orders of her father.
Lin Yi's seemingly straightforward mission takes a twist when it becomes clear that pursuing the high-maintenance campus queen won't be as easy as he initially thought. This delightful tale of an unlikely hero, coupled with the mysterious power of a jade pendant that grants glimpses into the future, creates an engaging narrative.
As Lin Yi transfers to a school in Songshan City to fulfill his mission, readers are treated to a story filled with laughter, budding romance, and the challenges of navigating high school life. "School Beauty's Personal Bodyguard" offers a refreshing take on the classic romance genre, making it a must-read for fans of light-hearted and entertaining manhua.
- Author(s): Fishman The Second
- Genre(s): Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, School Life
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 80
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