Pawn is a movie set in the city of Incheon, South Korea in the years 1993. The film tells the story of two gangsters Du-seok (Sung Dong Il) and Jong-bae (Kim Hiewon) who claims debtors have kidnapped little Seung-yi (Park Soi), a 9-year-old girl, hostage to force her mother to pay for them. However, as an immigrant, her mother could not bring her home. Reluctantly, Du-seok becomes her guardian. After taking care of her for a while, he considered her his own daughter.
In the film Pawn, Ha Ji Won plays an adult Seung Yi, who portrayed Seung-yi from a little girl to an adult woman. This is also a film product marking her return after many years of absence on the small screen. Her acting, combined with the chemistry between the actors has helped make the film a moving film that makes viewers cry about the theme of family, about the love between a father and daughter.
Detailed Information:
Genre: Humor, Family
Directed by: Kang Dae-gyu
Release date: 2020
Episodes: 1 (113 minutes)