Your life may be difficult at times, and not everything will unfold the way you would like. Therefore, a board game that allows you to (metaphorically) kick back is more than welcomed. One of them is Photosynthesis. Despite the relaxed atmosphere it creates, this game manages to preserve an undercurrent of serious strategy boiling under the surface. That might be a surprise to you given the game's concept. Rather than requiring you to capture territories or defeat your adversaries, you will get points by simply planting some trees - it seems quite a peaceful game at first glance.
The issue is that Mother Nature is unjust. Certain soils are more fertile than others, earning you a higher score, as the sun rotates around the board each round. This may result in your trees being obstructed by another's, which prevents them from drawing in more sunlight that may be utilized to grow other trees. As such, foresight and pre-planning are a must.
In addition, Photosynthesis is also amazing in its design. Its motion is spectacular and looks stunning when put out on the table, thanks to the large paper trees that are available in various beautiful styles.
Ratings: 4.7 stars (from 2585 reviews)
Price: $32.46
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