Wingspan - which is both gorgeous in visuals and interesting in its rules - has earned its deserved spot as one of the most adored contemporary family board games. After all, it does not win the prestigious Spiel des Jahres prize for nothing.
As you could have guessed, the main topic of the game is birds. In Wingspan, you have to lure in as many birds as possible and reserve them. The mechanisms to achieve such a feat is very mesmerizing. Players have to acquire food, which enables them to obtain bird cards. And this, in turn, allows them to collect further food. They then have the option of getting even more bird cards, and so on. It is an oddly absorbing cycle.
You do not, however, need to be concerned about the game’s difficulty levels. It may require a few revolutions to adjust to your wingspan, but the gameplay is fairly simple once you have gotten over the hump. It enables you to appreciate the game's stunning visuals, as well as the ingenious birdbox gameplay element. Also, you won't even have to worry about somebody else undoing all of your efforts; Wingspan is devoid of direct competition, which means you will always have a good time whether you succeed or fail.
Ratings: 4.8 stars (from 7009 reviews)
Price: $48
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