Pilates is just a quick fix for Abs
This is also one of the myths about Pilates that countless people have because nowadays there are many young people who care about their body shape and most of them use Pilates to improve their abs. There are no fast solutions, although Pilates can assist in the development of a solid body. Pilates focuses on the core muscles, particularly the deeper abdominal muscles. Toning the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles improves overall body stability and mobility. This is also one of the reasons why Pilates is so effective for persons suffering from back discomfort.
Pilates, on the other hand, does not end with abdominal work. Pilates fitness focuses on structural integration and the development of a flexible, robust body that can move easily and effectively. Pilates does this by working all body parts in a balanced manner, not just the abs. The Pilates technique is also a mind-body fitness exercise. A calisthenic or spot-reduction method to exercise is insufficient for developing a physique that operates as a unified whole. Control, centering, attention, breath, flow, and accuracy are all Pilates characteristics that enable an integrated mind/body experience via Pilates practice. This means that you will not only have toned abs but you will be toned in the whole body and have a pure mind.