Plot Twist
Attack on Titan: The Final Season is renowned for its clever plot twists that have left viewers astounded. One of the most shocking revelations is the truth about the Walls of Paradis Island. It’s revealed that they are composed of Colossal Titans, a twist that recontextualizes the entire story. This secret is tied into the series’ finale through the history of the Titans and the secret plans of the Marley government.
In season 2, people were shocked about the revelation of Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover’s true identities. Initially trusted comrades, they are revealed to be enemies, introducing a moral gray area in the narrative. However, in the final season, the truth about the world and the change of Eren make people even more surprising and stunning.
The world beyond the walls is thriving, with humans living in various nations and the Titans being human beings controlled by the Marleyan government. These twists, along with political conspiracies and ideological conflicts, have made the final season of Attack on Titan a thrilling watch.