Pol Pot
Pol Pot, the leader of the Khmer Rouge, oversaw one of the worst massacres in modern history while ruling Cambodia. He intended to turn the earth into a communist paradise.
Around one million people died as a result of famine, incarceration, forced labor, and murder him. In order to realize his vision of an agrarian society, Pol Pot moved the urban people to the countryside where they worked in collective farms.
By outlawing money and requiring everyone to dress in the same dull black attire, he made Mao costumes popular. He killed everyone who was intelligent, including those who wore glasses. About 25% of people died as a result of this trial.
As a result, he was made famous through the Hollywood film Killing Fields. His terrible regime was toppled by invading Vietnamese soldiers. Pol Pot is assessed as one of the most brutal dictators in modern history.
Born: May 19, 1925
Died: April 15, 1998
Country: Campuchia