Three decades ago, a seismic shift in the course of humanity occurred with the sudden emergence of a new breed of beings, wielding the fiery gift of pyrokinesis. These individuals, labeled as the "Burnish," manifested with a ferocity that wreaked havoc upon their surroundings, leaving a grim trail of death and desolation in their wake.
In the heart of this uncertain landscape stands the autonomous republic of Promepolis, a thriving nation that owes its continued existence to the unwavering resolve of its leader, Kray Foresight, against the seemingly inexorable threat of the Burnish. In a testament to human ingenuity, the fire-wielding threat is confronted head-on by a dedicated brigade of firefighters, collectively known as the Burning Rescue. This elite team, fueled by the brilliance of their resident mechanic Lucia Fex, leverages cutting-edge technology to confront the manifestations of Burnish fury.
Amidst this backdrop of the anime "Promare," a spirited young recruit named Galo Thymos emerges as an advocate of Foresight, revering him as a personal savior who once rescued his life. With unwavering enthusiasm, Galo throws himself into his duties as the newest member of the Burning Rescue, determined to shield his homeland from the menace of the Burnish. However, the status quo is soon disrupted by the rise of a radical faction, the Mad Burnish, who employ acts of terror to champion the Burnish cause. An encounter with Lio Fotia, the leader of this extremist group, sets Galo on a quest for truth that forces him to reconsider everything he held as incontrovertible, unraveling deep-seated convictions and thrusting him into a turbulent sea of moral ambiguity and self-discovery.
"Promare" challenges perceptions of heroism, prejudice, and the elemental force of identity. It is a testament to the human propensity for adaptation in the face of existential threats and a resonant exploration of the duality of power and its ability to influence the fates of both individuals and nations.
Release: 2019
MyAnimeList Score: 7.93/10