Uchuu Patrol Luluco
Residing in the unconventional environs of Ogikubo, a hub where humans and extraterrestrial beings coexist, our "Uchuu Patrol" Luluco is a middle school student with a desire for an ordinary life. Her aspirations, however, take a peculiar turn one fateful morning when her father, a member of the Space Patrol, unwittingly ingests a volatile sleep capsule, resulting in his instantaneous cryogenic suspension.
To compound the situation, Luluco's frantic attempt to assist her father leads to an unintended shattering of his frozen form. In her haste to resolve this predicament, she ventures to the Space Patrol headquarters: it is within the precincts of this institution that Luluco crosses paths with Over Justice, the stern and resolute chief of the Space Patrol. Over Justice discerns an opportunity amidst this chaos, promptly enlisting Luluco as a temporary space operative tasked with clandestine investigations. The mission is clear: to infiltrate her own school and aid the Space Patrol in its crusade against nefarious activities that lurk within the institution's corridors.
This whimsical narrative of "Uchuu Patrol Luluco" introduces viewers to the surreal landscape of Ogikubo while exploring deeper themes of identity, totally deserving its title as one of Trigger's most outstanding animes.
Release: 2016
MyAnimeList Score: 7.54/10