Promote Healthy Growth and Reproduction

Both men and women need vitamin A to maintain a healthy reproductive system, and it's also crucial for the regular growth and development of embryos throughout pregnancy. Studies on vitamin A's role in male reproduction in rats have revealed that a deficit prevents the formation of sperm cells, which results in sterility. The same goes for vitamin A deficiency in females, which may have an effect on reproduction by lowering egg quality and impairing egg implantation in the womb, according to animal research. Vitamin A helps the unborn child's key organs and systems, such as the skeleton, nervous system, heart, kidneys, eyes, lungs, and pancreas, grow and develop in pregnant women.

However, excessive vitamin A intake during pregnancy can also be hazardous to the developing fetus and may result in birth abnormalities, while being considerably less prevalent than vitamin A deficiency. As a result, many medical professionals advised against pregnant women using vitamin A pills as well as foods like pâté and liver that have high concentrations of the vitamin.

Promotes Healthy Growth and Reproduction
Promotes Healthy Growth and Reproduction
Promotes Healthy Growth and Reproduction
Promotes Healthy Growth and Reproduction

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