Reaffirmation Of Macedonian Rule As King (336-335 BC)
Alexander was proclaimed King of Macedonia at the age of 20 after Phillip II was assassinated in 336 BC. Many states and tribes, like as Athens, Thessaly, and Thebes, were spurred by Phillip's death to revolt. Alexander was swift to respond, going south with 3000 cavalry and forcing Thessaly to surrender. Athens immediately joined in, sending an ambassador, and Alexander was given the title of 'Hegemon' of the Greek army fighting the Persians in the city of Corinth. This is one of the major accomplishments of Alexander the Great.
Alexander, already a charismatic and powerful leader at the age of twenty, quickly harnessed the Macedonian troops that his father's reforms had transformed into the region's dominant military power. He led a large army across the Hellespont in Asia in 334 B.C. It was the most formidable military expedition ever to leave Greece, with 43,000 infantry and 5,500 cavalry. Alexander, the first to set foot on Asian soil, leapt ashore, hurled a spear into the ground, and declared the continent "spear conquered".