Real, another masterpiece by Takehiko Inoue, tells the story of Tomomi Nomiya, a former basketball captain who is plagued by guilt after ruining the life of a young girl in a traffic accident. His guilt drives him to delinquency, and he drops out of school as a form of penance. Following this, Tomomi meets Kiyoharu Togawa, a sprinter who lost his right leg, and Hisanobu Takahashi, the new basketball team captain who became paralyzed from the waist down.
After losing a one-on-one match with Togawa, Tomomi is inspired and decides to use his basketball passion to help others. The series is a heartwarming story about basketball and healing that will warm readers' hearts. You can feel these characters' struggles and, as a result, connect with them as they strive to become better people and rediscover their life's purpose through their love of basketball.
Author: Takehiko Inoue
Original run: October 28, 1999 – present
Volumes: 15
Status: Ongoing
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