Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
"Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs" is a delightful South Korean animated film that breathes new life into the classic fairy tale of Snow White. Released in 2019, the movie introduces a fresh twist to the well-known story by exploring themes of self-acceptance and inner beauty.
Directed by Sung-ho Hong and produced by Locus, this Korean anime captivates audiences with its stunning visuals and heartfelt message. The plot revolves around a group of princes who, after being cursed, become dwarfs until they can find a pair of magical red shoes. Accompanied by Red Shoes, a spunky and independent character, the princes embark on a journey of self-discovery and learn the importance of embracing one's true self.
Through its vibrant animation and engaging storyline, "Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs" offers a modern take on a beloved fairy tale. With its empowering message and beautiful execution, this Korean anime has won the hearts of both young and old, proving once again that storytelling knows no bounds.
- Author: Sung-ho Hong
- Production company: Locus Corporation
- Released: July 25, 2019
- Box office: $9.7 million
- Watch here: