Wonderful Days
"Wonderful Days," also known as "Sky Blue," is a Korean animated film that combines breathtaking visuals with an intriguing storyline. Directed by Kim Moon-saeng, the film is set in a post-apocalyptic world where pollution has made Earth uninhabitable. The remaining survivors live in a city called Ecoban, where a ruling elite controls the limited resources while the rest struggle in poverty.
The narrative follows a young man named Shua, who becomes entangled in a plot to overthrow the oppressive regime. Along the way, Shua discovers the true history of Ecoban and the devastating consequences of human greed. "Wonderful Days" stands out for its unique blend of traditional animation and stunning computer-generated graphics, creating a visually captivating experience for the audience.
With its thought-provoking themes of environmentalism, social inequality, and the consequences of human actions, "Wonderful Days" offers a compelling story that resonates beyond its animated format. This Korean anime is a must-watch for fans of post-apocalyptic tales and anyone who appreciates visually striking storytelling.
- Authors: Kim Moon-Saeng, Park Jun-Yong
- Production companies: Endgame Productions Inc., Masquerade Films, Maxmedia, Tin House Productions
- Released: July 17, 2003
- Runtime: 86 min
- Watch here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0353014/