Redefining Health Care

Michael E. Porter, Harvard Business School Professor of Business Administration, is the author of Competitive Strategy, the recipient of the 1979 McKinsey Foundation Award for The Best Harvard Business Review Article, and a Wall Street Journal guest columnist. Professor Porter created the highly regarded MBA course on Industry and Competitive Analysis, lectures extensively on competitive strategy, and serves as a strategic consultant to a number of companies in the United States and abroad.
The health-care system in the United States is in disarray. The quality of care for millions of Americans is at stake, as is the financial well-being of individuals and employers who are being squeezed by skyrocketing premiums, not to mention the fiscal stability of state and federal government budgets.
Redefining Health Care, co-authored by internationally renowned strategy expert Michael Porter and innovation expert Elizabeth Teisberg, reveals the underlying—and largely ignored—causes of the problem and offers a powerful prescription for change.
The authors contend that competition is currently occurring at the wrong level—among health plans, networks, and hospitals—rather than where it is most important, in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of specific health conditions. Instead of creating value for patients, system participants accumulate bargaining power and shift costs in a zero-sum competition. Based on an in-depth examination of the United States' health-care system, Redefining Health Care lays out a game-changing framework for redefining competition in health-care delivery—and unleashing stunning improvements in quality and efficiency.
This book demonstrates how to shift health care toward positive-sum competition that benefits everyone, with specific recommendations for hospitals, doctors, health plans, employers, and policymakers.
Author: Michael E. Porter
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