Regularly Monitor Your Credit Card Statements
It's critical to check your statements on a frequent basis. Fraudsters can be very cunning, withdrawing little amounts from your accounts on a regular basis, making it difficult for you to detect that you've been a victim of fraud. However, over time, these modest sums may build-up, and by the time you realize what's going on, it's usually too late to have a lot of it back.
Purchases you don't recognize, a lot of small charges, unknown company names on your record, payments in far-away locations, and a significantly reduced credit balance are all red flags, according to top credit bureau Experian. The first thing you should do if you see fraudulent transactions on your credit card account is to contact your credit card company. But it's highly recommended to go through your bank accounts each month and double-check that you know each transaction, avoiding scammers from taking you off guard and keeping your cash safe.